Monday, September 27, 2010

More Pics

Laughing at Daddy!
We had to have some Buckeye gear!

BIG yawn!

Playing at Anna's

Happy little man!

I LOVE my Daddy!

Getting so BIG

In my cool outfit the Corsi's got me : )
Landen in his jersey.....what a stud!!!!
Logan, Gavin, and Landen

All smiles first thing in the morning
Here are some random pics from the last few weeks. Gavin has really gotten big and has changed so much. According to our scales he is up to 14 pounds!!!! He is doing great at our friend Anna's house while we are at work! Last night he slept a total of 10 hours (only getting up once to eat) and woke up talking and smiling : ) We did get to go to Ohio for a week and Gavin got to visit Nan and Pap and meet his cousins Landen and Logan for the first time, along with all the other people we love and miss : ( ....Our next trip will be to New York to visit Grandma and Grandpa and meet everyone there! We can't wait!

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