Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Other Pics

He Loves Looking at People Upside Down 

He's Working on Getting Food in His Mouth All By Himself


 Close, but didn't quite make it....

Gotta Try a Different One

He Sometimes Pulls Himself Up Now!

Happy 1st Birthday Ev!!!

....."What????........ I Didn't do it!"

Trying the Icing

Yep! He Liked It!!!

His First Bath in Mommy's Sink

He had Fun....

......But Kept Trying to Stand!
He's getting so big so fast! He's almost ready to take off crawling, just hasn't mastered the coordination of it yet. He either does push-ups, or goes backwards!


All Smiles in the Car : )

The GREAT ; ) View from our Room...

After a Bath

Miss Ayrelyn Looking like She's about to Yell at the Ref

Brayden Playing on the Sideline

The Jerseys I made the Kids  

They're Just So Stinking Cute

All Ready to go out to Dinner at the Irish Restaurant 

Daddy's Team

The Boys and their Babies

I LOVE this one

He had so Much Fun with the Ball

Here are some pics from our trip to Vegas... We had a nice time, and Chris' team ended up third in the tournament! Gavin was a trooper in the car. He pretty much slept the entire 10 hour drive there AND back! We couldn't  ask for a better baby. As you can tell, the trip was mainly about football, not so much the "Vegas Experience". That is kinda hard to do with a baby : )

Saturday, February 19, 2011

This Week's Random Pics

Happy Happy Boy!
(This was taken after he had a HUGE surprise for Mommy to clean)

Mommy caged a Mohawked Monster!

Check out all that hair!

Sooo Serious one minute.....

And Sooo Happy the Next!
We had gone to visit Daddy at work and he had fun sitting on Keith's Desk!
NOPE!!! Won't let you see them!!!!
OKAY! FINE! There they are ; )

Upside down pic!

What are you looking at?

He FINALLY rolled over on his own without any help or being coaxed! He did it twice at Anna's the other day, and I got to see it today for the first time! We have started the whole "self soothing" thing this week too...... The first night I caved after 16 minutes, but the next two nights went better! On night two, he cried for about 20 minutes, then went to sleep and slept about 7 1/2 hours only waking up once (talking) and went right back to sleep. Last night he cried 4 minutes, fell asleep and didn't get up until 6:30! That was 8 hours! It's AMAZING!!!! Hopefully he continues to do this well. Chris and I enjoy our sleep : )

Friday, February 11, 2011

More Pics

Showing off my jean jacket : ) 

My First 4-Wheeler

"Mommy.... Where are my socks?"

I know how to turn it on now!

Playing in the tub

He might have played a little too long..... 

So cute

We think they're going to get married one day
Totally loving the attention from the girls in the studio

The frame we got of Gavin's many poses

Well, we've had a BIG couple of weeks! Gavin is now taking a bath in the big boy bath, and LOVES it! He gets excited as soon as we walk into his bathroom. There were a few days that he said Mom about 5-6 times, but hasn't said it since, and he finally rolled over once!.......Again, he hasn't done it since, but were still going to count it! We took the kiddos to get their Valentine's day pictures, and of course we loved them all! Those picture people really know how to get ya! Hope all is well with everyone back home! We love and miss you all!

Monday, January 24, 2011



My Thomas the Train Hat

ALMOST had his first kiss, but Mommy interfered

Santa brought him slippers like Daddy's

LOVING his toys

Helping Daddy play Playstaiton

Kaidence was sooo excited with her FLUFFY UniUniUnicorn!

He thought he was BIG stuff on the counter with Mommy's spoon

Likes to tangle his hands in Mommy's hair when he sleeps

Happy 1st Birthday Ayrelyn

Rockin those shades

He normally doesn't suck his thumb, but it was cute!

Hard to tell, but those are TWO teeth (just happened this last week)

Okay, I know I'm a total slacker with the page. I'M SORRY!!!! We've been so busy! Gavin has gotten so big, and has changed so much : (. He sits up all by himself, babbles a lot, loves to giggle, and so much more! The only thing he hasn't done on his own is roll over! He totally is capable of it, just chooses not to! We've decided that he will just start walking and skip the crawling, because he HATES being on his belly. Probably because our little chunker weighs almost 20 pounds! He weighed 19lb 3.5oz at his 6 month checkup (and that was 3 weeks ago! Last week was a little rough..... we thought he had just gotten another cold, but then the signs started pointing to teeth, and sure enough one came Wednesday night, and the second on Friday night!!!! Everything is going by so fast. I'm afraid to blink because I'm afraid I might miss his High School graduation! We just love every second we get to spend with him!