Wednesday, March 23, 2011


All Smiles in the Car : )

The GREAT ; ) View from our Room...

After a Bath

Miss Ayrelyn Looking like She's about to Yell at the Ref

Brayden Playing on the Sideline

The Jerseys I made the Kids  

They're Just So Stinking Cute

All Ready to go out to Dinner at the Irish Restaurant 

Daddy's Team

The Boys and their Babies

I LOVE this one

He had so Much Fun with the Ball

Here are some pics from our trip to Vegas... We had a nice time, and Chris' team ended up third in the tournament! Gavin was a trooper in the car. He pretty much slept the entire 10 hour drive there AND back! We couldn't  ask for a better baby. As you can tell, the trip was mainly about football, not so much the "Vegas Experience". That is kinda hard to do with a baby : )

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