Saturday, February 19, 2011

This Week's Random Pics

Happy Happy Boy!
(This was taken after he had a HUGE surprise for Mommy to clean)

Mommy caged a Mohawked Monster!

Check out all that hair!

Sooo Serious one minute.....

And Sooo Happy the Next!
We had gone to visit Daddy at work and he had fun sitting on Keith's Desk!
NOPE!!! Won't let you see them!!!!
OKAY! FINE! There they are ; )

Upside down pic!

What are you looking at?

He FINALLY rolled over on his own without any help or being coaxed! He did it twice at Anna's the other day, and I got to see it today for the first time! We have started the whole "self soothing" thing this week too...... The first night I caved after 16 minutes, but the next two nights went better! On night two, he cried for about 20 minutes, then went to sleep and slept about 7 1/2 hours only waking up once (talking) and went right back to sleep. Last night he cried 4 minutes, fell asleep and didn't get up until 6:30! That was 8 hours! It's AMAZING!!!! Hopefully he continues to do this well. Chris and I enjoy our sleep : )

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